Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008 Musical Christmas Feast

So I'm sorry... I'm a little behind... okay... a lot behind. I'm not sure what my deal was... but I guess I was on bloggin' hiatus.

On December 12th Kearney's High School Choirs put on a beautiful Musical Christmas Feast. We were thrilled that Dad and Phyllis joined us. This is the second year that Zachary participated in the musical portion dressed in Renaissance garb. I have to say this year's festivities far surpassed last years. Oh... and Zach can totally rock the tights... I'm not sure every guy can say that... Zach was also the only member of the Chamber Choir that escorted two Renaissance ladies. Tailor also sang in the Girls Bel Canto Choir.

This was the first year that Alexander participated in the festivities... but he not only got to sing with the 9th Grade Men's Choir he also played his guitar to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"! We were so proud of him... he did great! Brent video taped it but forgot that you can't turn the camera on its side... cuz... unlike pictures you can't flip a video... so here you go... Alex's guitar playing debut: