The Two Amigos… Aren’t they studdly!?!
Zachary would not take off the sombrero he bought in NYC.
The dress Jenni has on and Zachary’s vest and tie were made by Jenni’s Grandmother. They looked so beautiful together… notice the sombrero.
Silly son with Sombrero and beautiful Jenni.
I made the rose for Jenni’s hair at her request… (Bummer ~ she lost it on the dance floor… I guess I’ll be making another) Zach’s pocket square was an after thought that I whipped up Saturday morning so it would match the vest.
Jenni and her grandmother designed her dress. They put three patterns together to get just what she envisioned. I think they did a spectacular job.
The sombrero just would not come off… well eventually it did, but it took forever… what is even up with that?
The back of Jenni’s dress was amazing!!! This picture showed off just how gorgeous it was and her pretty up do too!
Notice… no sombrero!
Alexander escorted Kat ~ a beauty from the Czech Republic. Kat is a foreign exchange student and a senior this year. She and Alexander are friends from Choir. They made a stunning couple as well.

They had a great time… Alexander even danced… Crazy I know. You can see Alexander was really proud to escort such a lovely girl.
Alex and Kat left after just a few shots to join the group they went to dinner with for pictures at Kat’s friends house. I only managed to snag two decent pictures before they darted off. I’m so glad I was able to get these two shots.
Zach putting on Jenni’s wrist corsage. Too bad I cut their heads off.
Jenni pinning on Zach’s boutonniere.
Jenni’s five year old cousin picked out and bought the earrings she’s wearing. She said she just knew Jenni would LOVE them. How sweet is that? The broach in the center of Jenni’s dress is an antique of her grandmother’s. Love, love, loved it!
This is Zach’s senior prom so I snapped a crazy amount of pictures for him. I’ll try not to bore you with too many more… but I had so much fun and it was such a pretty day for pictures.
ps… the center shot above is a picture of Jenni and her sister, Morgan.
I loved this shot of my two guys… had to add it to our header for now.
That’s all folks.