Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Airman...

I should have posted these back in February.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Midnight and her Little Midgets

I played a bit with this shot as always in Picnik... love the little chocolate pup. Little cutie pattooties.

Here is a sweet shot of the Oh So Tired... but Extreemly Satisfied... Momma and puppies. Did I mention we had SEVEN?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Shared Moment...

Midnight... my son's very pregnant Labrador... decided she needed a dip and a sip (It was close to 90 degrees yesterday...CRAZY!!). It didn't seem to bother the little Goldfish that shared the moment with her. I couldn't resist snapping this picture. When I told my betterhalf about catching Midnight in the pond... he responded... oh, one of your fantails was dead when I checked on them earlier in the day... apparently they are not as hardy as the goldfish... OR Maybe someone who shall remain nameless stepped on it and squished it. POOR, POOR little fantail goldfish... But what are you to do... Can't keep a Labrador out of the water that's for sure.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Where Oh Where Have the Richardsons Been??

My goodness how the time has slipped away. Sooooo much has happened. A year has come and gone. Doesn't seem possible. But... we are still around and I will attempt over the next few days, weeks, months... to do a better job posting.

Sunshine... at Dawn.

After numerous days of rain, drizzle, overcast gloom a beautiful glowing ball in the sky appeared. It was timid and shy and hid here and there... the clouds tried to hide it, they pushed and they shoved and tried to obliterate it, but it perservered through it all, stuck around and made me smile.

First Growth of Spring...

The first green sprouts of spring are popping out in our backyard flower bed... the tulips are spent and dropping their petals and the other blooms have yet to arrive... but none the less it's still a cheerful sight covered in the morning dew or through the morning's merry mist.