Yes, it’s finally begun. Our new bedroom floor… I am uber excited. Yup… I’m walking on Sunshine… Yeahhhhh!!!! And don’t it feel good… Yup it sure do.
I think this one shows the pretty grain… I love, love, LOVE it!!!! My poor little sweetie has gone to bed and tomorrow is a full day of swim meets and choir concerts so it will have to be Wednesday this weekend before we get to finish and have a bedroom reveal. You may not remember the original post where this project began it was soooooo LONG ago…. but check it out HERE and HERE (Yes, I’m a very patient wife to wait this long… come on we’re talking March… who even waits this long for floor? Well apparently us. No really when you pay cash sometimes you have to wait forever and then nag, nag, nag and nag some more, then when you’ve given up all hope of ever having a floor in your bedroom, your amazing husband goes out and buys the PERFECT floor all on his own… so yes a little patience does pay off in the end).
Ok… I looked up patience and I pretty much fail… this is what it says…
Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties.
Yes… I failed… I persevered because I had to… that doesn’t count apparently… but the rest of those words that means I did a good thing… not so much. What can I say… I was tired of ugly underlayment and cut up bits of carpet. I’m bad!
Isn’t it lovely? Isn’t it beautiful? A picture of the beauty in progress… no I’m really not excited… I was just havin’ ya on before… ya right!
ps… Don’t pay attention to the fact that the wall socket is missing its cover and needs to be changed over to white… and the floor vent needs to be painted a brown to match the flooring… all things in time.