Sunday, September 23, 2007

Zach is in deep kimshi...

Almost 1 a.m. and Zach is not home... He went to a church function and hasn't come home yet. At Midnight I called him to tell him... Get Home Now! Apparently he thought I was joking and I really meant later. This is the part of being a mom I don't really cherish. I know I should cherish all parts, but the staying up all night waiting for a child to come home... not so much.

He is hanging out with David and seems to think this is no big deal. I am thinking if dad were home... he wouldn't be pulling this, so pretty much he is in deep kimshi (otherwise known as doo doo, and I mean doo doo, not some other bad word).

* ps... So Zach and his friends strolled in around 1:23 a.m., saw me sitting at the computer waiting and said "Uh Ohhhh!", Had a little talk about what is acceptable and what is not. "But we were just hanging out at David's house." Literally next door. Didn't really matter to me since I was still sitting up waiting on him to get home. Went to bed at 1:28 a.m. - pretty sure I was asleep by 1:30 a.m. - got a call from a worried Dad at 1:57 a.m. - had to set his mind at rest (he just read my blog after he got to his hotel in Omaha)- then I think I crawled back in bed a little after 2:00 a.m. - so I pretty much got no sleep after that - yes life is good - oh yeah, Zach is really in deep doo doo now.


Jenny said...

Oh yes! I remember these times well! Good luck with this and remember it "came to pass" not to stay!

Unknown said...


c'est la vie!