Friday, October 17, 2008

And I Love These Stinkin' Kids...

I'm only sayin' stinkin... cuz one was poopin' and one was spewin'... yup... pretty much right after the upper left pic of Ashe she puked on G'pa's pillow... yucky!!! (you can tell she's thinking "I could spew at any time". She's still cute tho... oh, and Gid... man when they get a little older their diapers are ripe... and not in a good way... and you know what??? He's still cute too!


Unknown said...

Okay, so I love these pictures. They are so sweet. I wish I could see little Ashelyn in person...I just love her and wanna kiss her sweet little face all over the place. hahaha! Miss you guys!
P.s. I TAGGED you on my blog...go check it out...heehee

*The Ranagan's* said...

HAHA I love these kidos! They are sooo stinkin cute lol. I want to bite Ashelyn's that weird??? Oh well they are just so sweet I love them!