Sunday, November 30, 2008

Walking in a Winter Wonder Land...

The First Real Snow...

I run out to snap the pics before anyone else is up...

This one made me think of a postcard...

This one just makes me laugh...
I just love the beauty of a fresh snow fall.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

You Decide...

Boo might just want to hurt me in my sleep...

Well, that's at least what Gregg Lynn (Bj Scott's Radio other half) seems to think. Either that, or he is sure Boo needs doggy therapy. He keeps saying she is sending emails asking to be put out of her misery. I still say... She looks cute! Do you think I should be worried?

Good Times...

We loved having Dad and Phyllis visit this week.

Dad snuck a little sugar... super cute couple.

Dueter and Zoe' had to sneak a little
snuggle time with Brent.

Thanksgiving Festivities...

My Sweet Ones..
Alex brought out his guitar and entertained the troops... He is getting to be a very accomplished guitarist. I think the family was pretty impressed... good times.

Tamra and three of her babies came for thanksgiving. Hyrum and Jane spent the holiday with her family. We loved having everyone here it was so fun to see them all... pretty much like old times.

I had to snap this picture of Lynn Marie and Uncle David. I love them both so much and am always so happy to have them spend the holiday with us. Some how I missed getting a picture of Dad and sweet Phyllis... I will get one before they leave to head south. In addition to all our extended family we were lucky enough to get to spend Thanksgiving with Tailor and her momma and two brothers. We sure enjoyed our day... it was awesome... wish all of the rest of our family were closer and able to have been here too. We love you and miss you all.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories...

I have always loved Thanksgiving. I love the food... I mean who wouldn't? But I especially love the getting together with family part. The more the merrier.. the louder the better. I love seeing everyone, watching movies together, playing games, visiting and just everything that goes with it.

I love that we mix both Brent's family and mine and that they blend so nicely. It's almost become a tradition to watch Shrek and Remember the Titans... I think we've done it like four or five years running now. I'm pretty sure we throw in Christmas Vacation also. This will be the first year that we have the Man Cave so it should be really awesome this year. Isn't it funny how traditions begin.. You watch something one year... then by chance, I swear, the next year the same movies were requested... then it becomes a thing and Thanksgiving won't seem quite the same with out it. This is our second Thanksgiving with out momma and I'm pretty sure she picked Remember the Titans... so that seems to bring her closer... Brent's dad and the kids LOVED Shrek... it's always good for a laugh... so gotta watch that one too... and then what can I say about Christmas Vacation??? It's a CLASSIC!! Gotta love Cousin Eddy... every family has one... it's just up for debate whether he's on your side of the family or your spouse's.

Any who... Thanksgiving Memories... that is what I am thankful for... for old ones and new ones yet to be created. I'm thankful for family and friends. I'm thankful for the church and the plan of salvation. I'm thankful for our great nation and those who serve here and abroad. I'm thankful for our missionaries. I'm thankful for my sweetie who tries to help keep me in line... it's a tough job... but someone has to do it... I'm thankful for my children... they are a constant source of joy! I thankful for the Lord and his blessings... may each of you have a holiday season filled with peace and joy!

All a Girl Wants...

All a girl wants is a little food!
I mean come on!!!
Give me my dinner!
Ashelyn is lovin' her baby food.

Gid - Y - Up...

So Gid and Grandma had a good time playing Cowboys and Indians.... well maybe it was just Cowboys... but we had fun none the less. I love the picture on the top left... it looks like he is trying to lead a stubborn horse... really he was just trying to get the Highchair away from mom and sissy.

Yeah so pretty much Gid thinks Grandma is crazy... might be true, but we have a good time.

He's A Killer...

So yup... Thor's a killer dog... you can see he is just vicious! He was going to take down the rotten reindeer if it was the last thing he could do. We are sure enjoying him and will be a little (and I really mean... just a little) sad when we put the Christmas Bow on him to give him to Miss Tailor. I get to clean up his little messes multiple times a day... so yay... I'll only be a little sad... Now Zoe' will be desolate for a while... maybe Miss Tailor will bring Thor to visit occasionally and that might help.
All tuckered out...

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Thankful Thursdays...

So I am thankful for getting to spend Thursdays with Misty and the grandbabies. Gotta love the quality snuggle time. You can see in the upper left shot Miss Ashelyn is trying to escape. Oh... check out Gid sporting Grandma's jewelry... He thought he was something else...
Couple of handsome men... I know it will make Jake cringe when he sees these shots... but Gid was so funny... he wanted to wear them... made us put them back on every time one fell off his ear... silly boy
Here he is looking at mommy's set and thinking he wanted to try hers on... she was patiently explaining to the Gidster that boys don't wear jewelry... well at least not most boys... he thinks they look pretty neat tho.
Here Gid is watching Mommy and Uncle Alex play the Wii... We couldn't tell if he looked bored or enthralled... I wish the shot had turned out of Misty trying to play baseball... FUNNY... she stinks big time... now tennis was another story... she kicked Alex's booty... fun, fun evening for all... I got to snuggle Miss Ashelyn to sleep... good times!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yay Baby...

So our stinky rotten puppy's opened his eyes for the first time today! He is such a little charmer... you can see the whole doggy family loves him. Brent and I kinda think he's cute too!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have I Done Any Good...

So much is happening... I work for a great company. It is family owned and has been in business since 1926 and has had the current owners since I think 1976??? Give or take a few years. It is a trucking company and I work directly for the Sr. Officers/Owners. For the first time in the history of the company it has had to right size (down size). I have worked for the company going on 7 years and watched it grow from around 200+ trucks to over 400 trucks. It was so exciting. Then over the last couple of years with what has been going on in the economy... gas, lack of building, lack of buying, lack of shipping... you can imagine how that would affect the trucking industry... In December of last year the company decided to do away with their lifestyle program for our over the road drivers... 50 of our 400 drivers were on the lifestyle program (meaning they got to go home every weekend). They were given the choice to stay on as over-the-road (OTR) drivers or leave the company... pretty much with out fail they all chose to leave... hoping to find a job closer to their homes that would accommodate them being home every week. Our OTR drivers are lucky in that they get through their homes about every other week (can you imagine??) So where I was going with this... then our fleet was down to 350 drivers... our office staff remained the same... with the thought that our fleet would regain the lost drivers... well that did not happen... and so after a year of watching things continue to decline in the freight economy... the choice was made to right size our organization... let 10 office staff go... If anyone ever is under the assumption that this would be an easy decision to make... let me tell you... you are sadly mistaken... all 7 Sr. Officers agonized over the decision. Then they had to figure who could they afford to let go... where did we have an imbalance in staff.... So as has been said "to save the body, we must cut off the foot" Now the foot will be missed, you can be sure... but the body must survive... and so it is with a company. 10 individuals were let go, so that 450 (drivers, office staff, & mechanics) would continue to have a viable company to work for. I must say that our 10 associates that were let go were given very generous severence packages that will see them through the first of the year... but still... they are now looking for jobs during one of the worst recessions in our country's history.

I know that our company is not unique. I know that all around the country this very thing is going on... and all I can think is... Have I done any good in the world today... Have I helped anyone in need.... Have I given thanks for the job that I have, the blessings that are so easy to take for granted... that the job I have will be here tomorrow... Have I given thanks for the organization I work for... have I prayed for those who were less fortunate... Am I doing my part??

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Missed One...

Somehow while I was posting pictures from Halloween I missed this one. This is a picture of Alex and his sweet girl, Keri. She's a doll and we love her. She is spunky and fun and fits right in with our crazy family. These pictures were taken on Halloween night at Nessa's (the other Zomby Prom Girl). Keri helped Nessa host a Halloween party. It was an out door party with a bonfire, music and a few games thrown in for good measure. Alex had a great time. Nessa's parents were super nice and chaperoned the entire evening.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Seminary Sun Rise...

There is certainly something to be said for a beautiful Seminary Sun Rise... That's what I call them any way. I sit in the car and wait on Alexander each morning while he is in seminary... Since I drop him off just B4 or just after 6 a.m... (Yeah I know it's supposed to be B4) I always get to enjoy the sun rise. They are truly amazing to behold.

This lovely sun rise is my testament that the Lord truly does love us and he hears and answers our prayers. He brings peace and understanding to troubled minds if we are open to his quiet, simple, daily manifestations of his undying love for each of us. The Sun will rise!

This beautiful sun rise is from Wednesday morning... yup the day after the historic outcome of this years Presidential election. Now although President Elect Obama was not my choice, I can and will live with it. I believe he does love our country. I believe he even thinks he knows what's best for it. While I might not agree with him, I recognize the difficulty of tasks before him. I would like to see our parties work together for the betterment of our great nation. But whatever the next years bring, I know the Lord loves us and the Sun will continue to rise in beauty and majesty.

My Sweetie Rocks Big Time!!!

Brent finished (all except the door - but who needs a door anyway) my way awesome sewing/craft room. Jacob hooked Brent up with the cabinets you can see in the two pictures on the upper left... they were free, torn out of a job site Jake was working on... all Brent had to do was haul them off... they're totally awesome. Then we had a piece of carpet that was given to me and fit great... so we bought the counter top to match and tie it all together. The little cubby with my fat quarters is an old antique cabinet I took the door off turned on its side. It sits on what will now be my sewing/craft table. The table (an old display table) came out of the old United Department Store in good ole St. Joe, MO. It has tons of room underneath and I have it filled with tubs of fabric... So pretty much it is amazing, still needs more organizing, but it is great, I love it, and Brent Rocks Big Time!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baby Thor... Growing

So dang sweet!!!
So Thor was a week old yesterday. He has grown a bunch already... the pup eats non stop... just look a poor Zoe' ... eyes all rolled back in her head and all... she just loves him to pieces... it's almost like she knows he will be her last puppy. We are enjoying watching them together. She is a very protective mommy and hovers whenever anyone picks him up or really just gets too close. At least she hasn't tried to bite anyone this time.

B4 and After...

Did I ever say that Zumba seriously kicks my bum... check out the B4 and After shots... that is not right... dancing is supposed to be easy, right??? Oh well at least its fun... I had to erase the horrible picture BJ took of my bum shimmy... let's just say not a pretty site... not like these are pretty either but I don't think these will cause permanent damage to any of you...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby Thor

Baby Thor... Zoe's Little Man
Zach chose his name. He said it had to be something strong, because Thor was such a fighter to have survived the trauma of his birth. We think he's quite the cutie.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our Ever Changing Blog Title...

So I grew tired of our original blog title "Richardson's Randoms" so I tried out "Kimberly's Confessions". But that one never really worked for me. So I have moved on to "Richardson's Reminiscence" which I think is a little more accurate.

I am up for ideas. Please submit your pick or new idea. It will at least be fun for me to see what you come up with. I am looking for something clever and fun.

Snuggle Time...

I had to get me some snuggle time with my sweet babies. I love them to pieces and can't seem to get enough of them. Brent and I picked up these little pj's yesterday at Sams... Brent thought we should save them for Christmas... I'm not sure Miss Ashelyn's will fit her in two months so.... Gramma gave them to them now, they fit great and they looked so dang cute and cuddly.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Born to Skate...

This little man lives to skate... and he has no fear... I mean non whatsoever... enjoy the video, we think he's amazing... I'm not even kidding.

I hope it works better this time.
The first time I uploaded the video it wouldn't play.

Rotten Tomatoes...

Only a little boy would think that rotten tomatoes are neat... Grampa says that's cuz he's rotten too! But whatever the case may be, he sure had fun picking through the old dried up tomato bushes and picking the rotten tomatoes. ooooh yucky!

Havin' a Happy Hauntin' Halloween..

Good times at the Richardsons.